Bloody Pit of Horror
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- Publication date
- 1965
- Usage
- Public Domain
- Topics
- horror
- Publisher
- International Entertainment
- Language
- English
- Item Size
- 3.7G
A group of models and cameramen go to a castle to shoot covers for horror novels where they're captured and tortured by the castle's owner, the Crimson Executioner.
Find out more about this film on it's IMDB page.
Find out more about this film on it's IMDB page.
- Addeddate
- 2006-11-21 14:27:48
- Closed captioning
- no
- Color
- color
- Director
- Massimo Pupillo (as Max Hunter)
- Identifier
- BloodyPitOfHorror
- Run time
- 1:22:24
- Sound
- sound
- Year
- 1965
favorite -
October 30, 2023
Subject: So cheesy!
Subject: So cheesy!
It’s a watch one, have regret, and never watch again.
Seth Baker841
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 23, 2022
Subject: Sexy Ridiculousness
Subject: Sexy Ridiculousness
Beautiful Italian models. Mincing Italian photographer guys trying to appear macho. Remotely located castle is discovered and broken into by the prissy tough guys. The creepy atmosphere and obvious bad vibes of the place do nothing to dissuade the group of weary dipshits from barging in and making themselves at home. Predictably, they are not alone. The place is occupied by a grumpy, brandy sipping millionaire in a silk robe. The rich guy is a stereotypical megalomaniac with cruel whims and wild mood swings. RIch guy is all set to throw them out; he has a cadre of striped-shirt wearing henchmen ready to use force if necessary. (The main henchman is epic. He's like 75 years old and arthritic - totally harmless-looking - yet the filmmakers treat him with big gravitas, as if he's obviously dangerous and a total badass. So Italian.)
Anyway, the misanthrope castle owner develops a fixation on one of the girls, leading to an open invitation for all and a green light for the photo shoot. The guests are given explicit instructions to stay out of the downstairs dungeon area for their own safety. Of course the photo auteur guys is like, "Filthy torture devices? Crumbling infrastructure? Spiders and rats? Put on your bikinis, girls - this is gonna be a shoot to remember!
While shooting in this ideal location, a wine cellar is discovered and everyone gets shitfaced. Someone carelessly bumps into an Iron Maiden-looking sarcophagus, breaking some kind of seal. We'd already learned that there was a case down there that contained a super dangerous sadistic murderer, a magical mystical sexual predator whose libido would kill every woman in the vicinity if he were to be allowed out of his supernatural prison.
A vaporous mist slowly seeps out of the crack. Movement can be seen inside. The old metal door slowly creaks open, and out steps an extremely healthy-looking shirtless guy wearing an idiotic-looking mask over his eyes. The thing is made of red felt, the kind your 2nd grader cuts up in art class. It's like, why does he wear a mask? The dude has been frozen since the middle ages - nobody's going to recognize him. Once released, he makes a beeline to the nearest mirror so he can admire his bulges and tell himself how great he is. It's a pretty weird sequence - kind of feels like he's hitting on himself. (A Buffalo Bill, "I'd fuck me" kind of vibe, minus the transvestite stuff.) Once he gets his fill of ogling his perfectly shaped biceps and greased up abs, the mask-wearing hunky zombie mummy sadist goes on a rampage and does all the stuff they said he'd do. But since it's really low-budget, the tortures are rather hit and miss. A rotating device that slowly slices into women's breasts is sort of entertaining. But right after that, there's a bit where he drips really cold water on a girl's back. That's it - that's the whole torture.
Then we have the piece de resistance: the cave dwelling muppet spider and its cloth spider web. So amazingly hilarious. I must give credit to the actor, though. She really does give her all, is totally committed to selling the feeling of peril.
It goes on a little too long, but there is plenty here to get excited about. I've seen it three times, and it was still good the third time.
Anyway, the misanthrope castle owner develops a fixation on one of the girls, leading to an open invitation for all and a green light for the photo shoot. The guests are given explicit instructions to stay out of the downstairs dungeon area for their own safety. Of course the photo auteur guys is like, "Filthy torture devices? Crumbling infrastructure? Spiders and rats? Put on your bikinis, girls - this is gonna be a shoot to remember!
While shooting in this ideal location, a wine cellar is discovered and everyone gets shitfaced. Someone carelessly bumps into an Iron Maiden-looking sarcophagus, breaking some kind of seal. We'd already learned that there was a case down there that contained a super dangerous sadistic murderer, a magical mystical sexual predator whose libido would kill every woman in the vicinity if he were to be allowed out of his supernatural prison.
A vaporous mist slowly seeps out of the crack. Movement can be seen inside. The old metal door slowly creaks open, and out steps an extremely healthy-looking shirtless guy wearing an idiotic-looking mask over his eyes. The thing is made of red felt, the kind your 2nd grader cuts up in art class. It's like, why does he wear a mask? The dude has been frozen since the middle ages - nobody's going to recognize him. Once released, he makes a beeline to the nearest mirror so he can admire his bulges and tell himself how great he is. It's a pretty weird sequence - kind of feels like he's hitting on himself. (A Buffalo Bill, "I'd fuck me" kind of vibe, minus the transvestite stuff.) Once he gets his fill of ogling his perfectly shaped biceps and greased up abs, the mask-wearing hunky zombie mummy sadist goes on a rampage and does all the stuff they said he'd do. But since it's really low-budget, the tortures are rather hit and miss. A rotating device that slowly slices into women's breasts is sort of entertaining. But right after that, there's a bit where he drips really cold water on a girl's back. That's it - that's the whole torture.
Then we have the piece de resistance: the cave dwelling muppet spider and its cloth spider web. So amazingly hilarious. I must give credit to the actor, though. She really does give her all, is totally committed to selling the feeling of peril.
It goes on a little too long, but there is plenty here to get excited about. I've seen it three times, and it was still good the third time.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 24, 2022
Subject: where's the bloody blueray
Subject: where's the bloody blueray
one of those movies that is so bad it is good.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
November 27, 2021
Subject: They weren't lying, that bloody pit can horror
Subject: They weren't lying, that bloody pit can horror
Given the title, this is exactly what I was hoping for. Favorite bit was the multiple-minute-long scene of our man squiggling across the floor.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 23, 2020
Subject: Hello.Can l upload this video to You Tube?
Subject: Hello.Can l upload this video to You Tube?
L did not understand a little the meaning of the license icons creative
The One Above All
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
September 18, 2018
Subject: So bad that its amazingly good!!!
Subject: So bad that its amazingly good!!!
I haven't laughed and heckled a film so much in years! Pure old school cheesy awesome!
I will get everyone I can to watch this masterpiece of cheesy horror.
And the old school chicks are super hot in this. Easy selling point to any dude but once the madness of the crimson tights begins... lookout ... wow this is fun and strangely good.
I will get everyone I can to watch this masterpiece of cheesy horror.
And the old school chicks are super hot in this. Easy selling point to any dude but once the madness of the crimson tights begins... lookout ... wow this is fun and strangely good.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
June 26, 2018
Subject: Prime example of a B-movie
Subject: Prime example of a B-movie
This is the exact type of thing that comes to my mind with the phrase "horror B-movie". It may be cheap and shoddy, but you can tell this was made from passion!
The sets are fantastic and it has a lot of creative ideas.
The sets are fantastic and it has a lot of creative ideas.
favoritefavoritefavorite -
November 23, 2017
Subject: Portion of Torture
Subject: Portion of Torture
I have to give this movie 3 stars because it made me laugh.
Nothing like looking at yourself in "infinity" mirrors while you apply oil to your skin.
I think the Crimson Executioner would make a great Luchador.
Nothing like looking at yourself in "infinity" mirrors while you apply oil to your skin.
I think the Crimson Executioner would make a great Luchador.
favorite -
August 16, 2017
Subject: Given the time this was made
Subject: Given the time this was made
you can't expect high quality for a B movie. I skipped through the movie every five minutes to watch for about two minutes. I didn't miss much and was able to watch the movie in about a half hour.
This is the only way to watch a bad movie.
This is the only way to watch a bad movie.
December 27, 2016
Youtube yanked this movie when I tried to upload it. it seems it's owned by an Italian company. It's not in the Public Domain! I got a copyright strike against me! Don't give these people a penny of money until they get their act together.
Samuel Diamond
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
October 10, 2015
Subject: Early Giallo Masterpiece
Subject: Early Giallo Masterpiece
Any review lower than 3 indicates an intellectual inability to call bullshit on the concept of "high vs. low" art.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
June 19, 2015
Subject: All Hail The Crimson Executioner
Subject: All Hail The Crimson Executioner
"Bloody Pit of Horror" has more than a few things going for it: dialogue that is often hilarious, sets that look as if they were filmed through pink gauze, and torture victims that mostly seem mildly irritated. It is "So Bad It's Good" at it's best-- a tale told with such breathless absurdity, it leaves the viewer delightfully confounded.
Zee Zelot
favorite -
July 9, 2012
Subject: A Bloody waste of time
Subject: A Bloody waste of time
I don't think I had anything worst to watch this night.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 14, 2011
Just when I thought I'd seen all the best of 'em. I can't imagine anyone sitting thru this film and not giving it a 5.
If you watched this movie you obviously have a passion for low budget, hard to believe they were serious, movies. And if you didn't find Bloody Pit hilarious what are you looking for in a B-movie.
If you watched this movie you obviously have a passion for low budget, hard to believe they were serious, movies. And if you didn't find Bloody Pit hilarious what are you looking for in a B-movie.
March 20, 2010
Subject: Do NOT download the avi file...
Subject: Do NOT download the avi file...
The avi file sucks. It has a 320x240 resolution and yet is 721 megabytes. Going by the previous comment it is also probably broken.
It was probably encoded for a particular device. Don't waste time downloading this video, you probably have to go for the full 2.9gigabytes to get a reasonably good resolution movie!!!
It was probably encoded for a particular device. Don't waste time downloading this video, you probably have to go for the full 2.9gigabytes to get a reasonably good resolution movie!!!
February 7, 2010
Subject: Oops.....
Subject: Oops.....
I Thought This Was A High School Training Film About Kotex..!
September 6, 2009 (edited)
Subject: ending missing from .avi file
Subject: ending missing from .avi file
The movie ends at 1:09 something, before the end of the movie. Also, there was a message that the avi index was damaged and needed to be repaired. Don't think the repair quite worked. Using VLC media player.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 17, 2009
Subject: i like
Subject: i like
ha ha ha .... its fun
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
November 14, 2007
Subject: this movie was excellent
Subject: this movie was excellent
i just finished watching the film, (i downloaded the mpeg1 version). It's a good cheesy horror movie. A group of people spend the night at a castle come to find out a maniac is pretending to be the crimson executioner and tortures them.
4 stars
4 stars
favoritefavoritefavorite -
September 8, 2007
Subject: I could watch the ending
Subject: I could watch the ending
For the ones commenting on that the end is missing, I downloaded the Mpeg-1 version and the ending was there.
It's not a "good" movie, but it's fun. :)
It's not a "good" movie, but it's fun. :)
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 24, 2007 (edited)
Love it. Can't explain why...just do. Maybe it's all the antacid I did in the 60s. But I LOVE this movie.
One note about Mickey Hargitay (actually Miklos Hargitay---he's originally from Budapest, Hungary). One of the reviewers here mentioned his marriage to Jayne Mansfield and their daughter Mariska as though these were his only claim to fame. In his day (and in MY day, as well) Mickey was quite well known in his own right. He was 1955's "Mr. Universe" and he played Hercules in the 1960 film THE LOVES OF HERCULES which co-starred Jayne. This must have pleased him on several levels since the man who first inspired him to take up bodybuilding was the one and only Steve Reeves, grandpappy of the sword and sandal epics which eventually gave us those CONAN movies with California's Governor in the starring role.
One note about Mickey Hargitay (actually Miklos Hargitay---he's originally from Budapest, Hungary). One of the reviewers here mentioned his marriage to Jayne Mansfield and their daughter Mariska as though these were his only claim to fame. In his day (and in MY day, as well) Mickey was quite well known in his own right. He was 1955's "Mr. Universe" and he played Hercules in the 1960 film THE LOVES OF HERCULES which co-starred Jayne. This must have pleased him on several levels since the man who first inspired him to take up bodybuilding was the one and only Steve Reeves, grandpappy of the sword and sandal epics which eventually gave us those CONAN movies with California's Governor in the starring role.
Steve M.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
June 19, 2007
Subject: A Masterpiece of Cinematic Strangeness
Subject: A Masterpiece of Cinematic Strangeness
What a uniquely terrible film, and I mean that in the best way. The voice dubbing seems to be off by a few seconds, but don't worry about that because the lines are just awful. Deliciously awful. The "acting" is nonexistant. The color is wonderfully faded (The Crimison Executioner is more The Pink Executioner) and seems to consist of about 3 colors. I was fascinated watching this thing. Laughed so much at the dialogue and plotting that my face is still sore days later. Everyone connected w/ this film should have been awarded the Corman Award For Film Making On The Cheap. The sets are surprisingly good for what they probably cost, and you gotta love the girls in their tiny costumes. No reviewer could prepare you for what your eyes will behold, so just download the thing and enjoy! Make sure you download the right version though because ours ended w/o the ending. Read the reviews and find the right one. Don't bother w/ the small file versions unless you like looking at pixalated squares of color. I would give anything to watch this on the big screen as it's intended to be seen, but am just very thankful for this free download. Thanks guys!
Scott Saunders
April 13, 2007
Subject: Just a few pieces of trivia.
Subject: Just a few pieces of trivia.
Mickey Hargitay was married to Jayne Mansfield until her death in 1964. He also is the father of actress Mariska Hargitay who plays Detective Olivia Benson on NBCs "Law and Order: SVU" .
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
February 27, 2007
Subject: a perfect definition of what a "navet" is !
Subject: a perfect definition of what a "navet" is !
thanx for that great moment of "cinema" !!
Just take a look at the "Crimson xecutionner" !!
So impossible to judge if it deserves one star or five stars...definitively...!
Let's go for 4 stars.
Just take a look at the "Crimson xecutionner" !!
So impossible to judge if it deserves one star or five stars...definitively...!
Let's go for 4 stars.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 11, 2007
Subject: So Bad It Is Good
Subject: So Bad It Is Good
I hope the cast got a good vacation out of this one. It reminds me of the silent film about the Golum. I have to admit, I had never heard of The Crimson Executioner, and I have no idea whether this movie was ever shown publically. I watched it all the way through and do not know whether to give it one star because it is so bad, or five stars because it is so bad, it is good. Will I ever watch it again? Possibly as it may be funnier the second time around.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 9, 2007
Subject: A Campy Classic
Subject: A Campy Classic
BLOODY PIT OF HORROR definitely falls under the heading of "so bad, it's good." Why Mickey Hargitay didn't receive an Oscar for his dynamic interpretation of The Crimson Executioner is beyond me. Download this, invite some friends over and have a great time!
Dr Strange
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
November 29, 2006
Subject: Bloody Pit Of A Movie
Subject: Bloody Pit Of A Movie
A group of bad actors are in a bad horror movie about a bunch of bad actors in a bad horror movie.
This is a bizzare film. It's untenable plot and unbelievable characters had my eyes glued to the screen for every morsel of glorious drek. This is strictly for the MST3K fan.
Let me get this straight. A man named Travis moves to a remote castle to escape the world and it's "human sentiment". Of course, you always need two men in horizontal striped shirts who will do your bidding, without question, while basking in your solitude.
Next, you allow an entire film crew to come into your castle for some location shooting. Then, you get pissed off because these people "defile" the sacred walls of this castles infamous original occupant, THE CRIMSON EXECUTIONER!
Having sworn off the earthly pleasures of the flesh, your next move should be to slowly torture scantily clad women in provocative poses......I wonder how Travis voted in the last election?
Laughs galore!
This is a bizzare film. It's untenable plot and unbelievable characters had my eyes glued to the screen for every morsel of glorious drek. This is strictly for the MST3K fan.
Let me get this straight. A man named Travis moves to a remote castle to escape the world and it's "human sentiment". Of course, you always need two men in horizontal striped shirts who will do your bidding, without question, while basking in your solitude.
Next, you allow an entire film crew to come into your castle for some location shooting. Then, you get pissed off because these people "defile" the sacred walls of this castles infamous original occupant, THE CRIMSON EXECUTIONER!
Having sworn off the earthly pleasures of the flesh, your next move should be to slowly torture scantily clad women in provocative poses......I wonder how Travis voted in the last election?
Laughs galore!
favoritefavoritefavorite -
November 28, 2006
Subject: some pb
Subject: some pb
I try out tbis version:
DivX (756 MB)
MPEG1 (1.2 GB)
they seem to be incomplete, the end is missing.
DivX (756 MB)
MPEG1 (1.2 GB)
they seem to be incomplete, the end is missing.
There are 29 reviews for this item. .
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Sci-Fi / HorrorUploaded by dondeeley on